Dr. rer. nat. Muhammad Elshafeey, Experimental Immunocardiology, Berlin Institute of Health at Charité – Germany


It was an excellent opportunity for me to attend such an important four days of microsurgical skills and hemodynamic ADInstruments PV-loop course at the René Remie Surgical Skills Centre. As a researcher in cardiology, it was the best investment for my research career to date. I have learned much about preclinical animal use in 32 hours over four days, including the 3R’s principles and how to work with animals to have excellent outcomes. This was a very well-organised course, which delivered vast amounts of knowledge and advice. From the practical point of view, I have learned many things to improve my microsurgical skills with continuous support, always being there to answer our questions.  I would highly recommend this course at the RRSSC, especially to cardiology professionals.

Dr. rer. nat. Muhammad Elshafeey, Experimental Immunocardiology, Berlin Institute of Health at Charité - Germany